Spiritual Perfection through suffering.
Another word for Suffering is – Growing Pains
Why do Christians have to suffer tribulations, trials, persecution, sickness and pain? We need to understand that there are lessons that the Lord desires for us to learn through suffering, affliction and pain. Jesus himself had to suffer for our salvation. Despite the teachings of others that Christians are immune from suffering. God has placed obstacles in our way, not to hinder or hurt but to test our devotion to Him. God deals with us as his own children. He chastens only those He loves and those who belong to Him. Part of the training and part of the growing pains include suffering.
Suffering described
1. feel pain or great discomfort in body or mind
2. undergo something unpleasant: or undesirable
3. endure: to put up with something painful or unpleasant
4. To have an illness: or a physical or psychological condition
5. To be affected by something negatively
Reasons why we suffer
Christians Suffer Sometimes because of Willful Ignorence – 1 Peter 2:20 – When you shall be buffeted for your faults, take itpatiently Faults – Spiritual Misdemeanor, weaknesses, shortcomings. (Buffeted is to be Battered – Beaten or Crushed down with several blows).
Christians Suffer when they stand for Righteousness - 1 Peter 3:14 – But and IF you suffer for righteousness sake, happy are you, and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled 15-But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. 16-Having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. Example of one suffering for righteousness: Peter and Paul cast in Jail for preaching Jesus Christ. Just as they were cast in God cast them out for taking their buffeting with patience. Suffering for well doing will work towards your good if you maintain the right attitude while you suffer.
Christians Suffer because of Past Sins –Our first thought is, when I came to Christ, was not all sin forgiven. Yes, all sin was forgiven and God does not remember them at all. We suffer then because of the results, the afteraffects or (fruit) of sin. The moment the Apostle Paul became saved he began to suffer for the things that he did to the church before he was saved. NOTE: THE PAST SINS AND SINFUL CHOICES OF FAMILY MEMBERS CAN AFFECT FAMILIES IN THE FUTURE.
Christians Suffer because of Unconfessed Sin.
We do not get away with our sins. 1 Corinthians – For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. Self-judgment is often the most severe judgment. It is a self condemnation for allowing sin to take control even for a little while. God gives us an opportunity to confess that sin and make it right. We need to be humble enough to PUNISH ourselves for being disobedient. Punish yourself by denying yourself some of your danty favours. Ways to Punish yourself- Go to the hospital and pray for the sick, study the bible, fast, pray, obey them that have the rule over you, stop speaking evil of your spiritual leader, Help your local church, Give to others, Praise the Lord from the Heart.
God uses the suffering of His Children to Silence the Enemy2. God uses suffering that we might glorify Him3. God uses suffering to make us more like the Lord Jesus Christ4. God uses suffering to teach us dependence upon Him5. God uses suffering to Strengthen our faith6. God uses suffering to teach us patience7. God uses suffering to make us sympathetic8. God uses suffering to keep us humble
What is your reaction to the chastening of the Lord, to the trials and tribulations of life. Hebrews 12:5 says, Despize not the chastening of the Lord”. How does one despise it? Simply by ignoring the fact that God is trying to teach you something-so let him. Another way you can react to God’s discipline is to take on a good dose of self pity. Why did God let this happen to me. The bible says, “Faint not when you are rebuked of Him-Heb 12:4” That suffering or problem has come to you as a challenge to trust Him through it all. Then, there are those with a super pious attitude. They will say, This is my cross and I will bear it, when all the time there is rebellion inside their heart and soul. “No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them who are exercised by it” Heb 12:11. We must learn to endure suffering if we are to reap from the blessings that come to award us for suffering patiently with faith in God.
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