misused - have faith in God!
Disappointment. Romans 8:28 - For we know that all things work together for good to them who love God, for them who are called according to his purposes. All disappointments are God's appointments for his people. To feel disappointed is to fail to satisfy the hope or expectation of.
Discouragement. Define - Opposite of courage. To lose spirit concerning one thing or another. To feel let down, or to attempt to prevent one from doing what they desire to do. To discourage persons can either be positive or negative. Positive - to discourage them from doing something which may be foolish. Negative - To discourage them doing that which is good or could be beneficial or profitable. 1 Samuel 30:6 - But David encouraged himself. Sometimes we just have to trust God and encourage ourselves.
Despair . II Corinthians 4:8 - To lose all hope. Distressed is to suffer severe mental suffering. Perplexed is to feel confused or to doubt. In Christ we can always look to the hills from whence comes our help. Our help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Doubt - A lack of trust or to be undecided. This was the first deadly d that Satan used against Eve in the garden of Eden. He attacked her mind with doubt towards the Word of God. Genesis 3:1 Let us not doubt the promises of God. Let us not dubt that the Lord is able to see us through every situation. I believe that the Lord will work it out for those whose lives are lined up with his Word! Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY is coming in the morning. The morning represents the dawning of God's glory concerning a trial that we have been enduring.
Disbelief - The final form of doubt. Gen 3:1 - Satan planted doubt into Eve's ear, and when she yielded to this doubt it led her to disbelief in the Word of God. When we doubt the Word of God we find it no problem to dishonor the Lord. Eve sinned against God by doing the thing that she was instructed not to do. It is disbelief in The Word of God which will cause us to depart from it. Disbelief results in departing. Oh, I must mention. Disbelief and Disobedience are first cousins!
Distractions - To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention. Anything that turns our minds away from The Word of God is a Distraction. Distractions can be very subtle. So slight as to hardly detect. Distractions do not have to be bad, they can be good and wholesome. Family, employment, home, television, the internet, friends, husband, wife, children, grandchildren, hobby. A screeming baby during church service when the preacher is preaching under the anointing of God is one of the worst church distractions! This type of distraction can distract the minister's concentration and the members listening skills. Oh, I must mention that one of our worst sources of distraction towards the will of God is OURSELVES! How often does YOURSELF keep you from being where God wills you to be, How often does YOURSELF keep you from serving God, How often does YOURSELF keep you from being in church, How often does YOURSELF keep you from testifying before the believers? Self is a deadly distraction, because it is SELF that can have us on a mission to hell. Self is DECEITFUL also, because it will have us believing that we are in the will of God and that we are on our way to heaven, when in reality, we have one foot in the graveyard of spiritual DECLINE, and have been spiritually dead for a mighty long time.
Note the last three Deadly D's - DECEITFUL, DECLINE AND DEATH.
Sharon Therese Spencer
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